Restore Environment & Soil Fertility

Leaf Bank in Delhi facilitates an innovative approach to environmental sustainability. Residents deposit autumn leaves, which are transformed into compost over months with decomposition process.

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About Leaf Bank

SwarnaPaat, initiated under Mr. RJ Raawat's guidance, has evolved into a significant endeavor, inspiring youth participation annually. In expanding our efforts, we've launched a Leaf Bank aimed at gathering autumn's dry leaves to provide complimentary leaf compost. This initiative reduces community effort in leaf collection from roads, parks, societies, and schools, encouraging individuals to contribute directly from their own spaces. By transforming waste into valuable compost, we enhance cleanliness while fostering environmental stewardship.

  • Promotes eco-friendly practices
  • Enhances community cleanliness
  • Fosters local engagement

Our next objective is to forge partnerships with other organizations to extend this impactful project throughout Delhi, maximizing its reach and benefits.